Mid-Summer Rain

As we walked along the small, winding road, the sky that had been clear and blue just moments ago suddenly transformed into a dense, gray mass of clouds. The wind picked up, whipping our hair around our faces, and the temperature plummeted. Lightning crackled in the distance, followed by a low rumble of thunder that echoed through the hills.

Despite the ominous signs, we continued walking, our conversation and connection with each other too engrossing to notice the shifting weather. And then, as if a switch had been flipped, the rain began to fall – first in droplets so small they were barely noticeable, then in a torrential downpour that soaked us both within seconds.

I watched as he sprinted ahead, seeking refuge from the deluge. But something inside me urged me to stay, to revel in the unexpected gift of the rain. So I let the water wash over me, drenching my clothes, my hair, my skin. The drops were cold against my skin, but also invigorating, like a rebirth.

I think he realized after a few steps that I was not next to him, because he looked back, his hand sheltering his eye as he shouted “Come on! Let’s find some shelter.” But I shook my head, to his surprised, my eyes sparkling with excitement, and hit play on my phone. The music filled my ears, matching the rhythm of the raindrops as they drummed against the pavement and I could smell the earthy smell of petrichor surrounding me.

The scenic route we took, rarely got any cars here. It was a small open road, not enough to fit a car, but enough for couples to walk freely and have fun. The rain was coming down harder now, creating ripples in the puddles on the road. We walked along the path, surrounded by trees on both sides. The leaves rustled, and the sound of the rain hitting them was soothing to the ear. The branches swayed with the wind, and the rain dripped down from the leaves, making a pitter-patter sound.

It was still light, but the sky was darker now, with the sun peeking through the clouds. This was it, I thought, I am going to live my moment. I raised my hands up, feeling the raindrops hit and trickle down every part of my body. I swayed a little, with the music, forgetting about the world around me. The sun’s light coming down like beams of light, through the clouds, landed on me, creating a beautiful glow.

I missed this; when I did it  when I was a kid. When I was able to do that without any judgments from anyone. Now I didn’t care how I looked, or what I was wearing or how I danced. It was just me and the rain. I closed my eyes, and I felt the rain slowing down. When I opened them, I caught him inches away, staring at me.

He took the wireless earphone from my ears and played another song. Slow, gentle, romantic song that went perfectly with everything that was going on. He grabbed my waist, held my hand, and we swayed together, looking deep into each other’s eyes. In his gaze, I could see the bright future, the beautiful present, and the haunted past. 

We all are scarred by life. But I feel like it’s a universal law to find balance. Life is hard, so the universe decides to make mother nature act so we don’t forget the true beauty at the end of it. But here is a secret, beauty is everywhere all the time. But it’s only seen by people who believe it to be true. If you hide from the rain you won’t see the beauty in it and won’t know how special it is when it’s gone.

I felt the rain slow down. I looked up to see his drenched hair in his eyes which were still intensely staring at me. The raindrops fell gently around us, enveloping us in a misty veil. I felt his hand tighten around my waist, pulling me closer to him as his other hand gently cupped my face, caressing my cheek. Our lips met in a soft and tender kiss, brushing against each other before we deepened the kiss with passion and intensity.

As we pulled away, I felt a sense of peace and tranquility surrounding us. The rain had slowed to a gentle patter, creating a soothing background noise as we stood there, lost in the moment. I looked up at the sky and saw that the clouds were beginning to part, revealing a few rays of golden sunlight peeking through the gray. The air was filled with the sweet scent of wet earth and the sound of distant thunder rumbling softly in the distance, adding to the romantic atmosphere. We smiled at each other, our eyes meeting in a moment of unspoken connection, before he suggested, “The rain’s stopped. Want to find a place to dry off?”

As he spoke, I couldn’t help but notice the way his lips moved, the way his eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief. I nodded, still caught up in the moment, and we began to walk down the deserted road, hand in hand. The rain had left everything looking fresh and vibrant, the leaves on the trees glistening with droplets of water, and the flowers along the road blooming with renewed vigor.

As we walked, I noticed a small wooden bench nestled under the shelter of a nearby tree, providing a perfect spot to dry off. We sat down, watching the rain fade away into the distance and the sun begin to peek through the clouds, casting a warm glow over everything.

I looked over at him, noticing the way the light reflected off the droplets of rain on his skin, making him look almost ethereal. He caught my gaze and smiled, his eyes flickering with warmth and affection.

For a moment, everything else faded away, leaving only the two of us sitting in our little corner of the world, surrounded by the beauty of nature. And as we sat there, basking in the warmth of the sun and each other’s company, I realized that sometimes the most unexpected moments can lead to the most beautiful experiences.

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